Finally, Magento 2 Certified Professional Developer exam has been launched. We were waiting for this certification for a while, almost since the 2015th, when we started our first projects on Magento 2. It’s not a secret that clients prefer to work with Magento Certified Developers, it provides them a feeling of sustainability and high quality. During these years, we hadn’t this crucial argument, so only our good name worked for us ;) Also, this certification will simplify our hiring process and we can rely on the certification results now too.
Magento 2 Certified Professional Developer exam aimed to validate skills and knowledge required for Magento 2 development in the following areas:
- UI modifications,
- database changes,
- admin modifications,
- checkout process customizations,
- order management integrations and customizations,
- catalog structure,
- functionality changes.
To pass the exam developer has to dive deep in Magento 2 development concepts. But probably the most valuable is real experience handling Magento 2 customizations in different parts of the platform.
About the exam:
- 60 Multiple Choice items
- 90 minutes to complete the exam
- based on Magento Open Source (2.2) and Magento Commerce (2.2), but applicable to those using any version of Magento 2.
- primarily of scenario-based questions in a multiple-choice format.
Exam topics and the percentage covered in the test:
- Magento Architecture & Customization Techniques 18%
- Request Flow Processing 12%
- Customizing the Magento UI 10%
- Working with Databases in Magento 7%
- Using the Entity-Attribute-Value (EAV) Model 8%
- Developing with Adminhtml 10%
- Customizing the Catalog 12%
- Customizing the Checkout Process 13%
- Sales Operations 5%
- Customer Management 5%
Magento U has already shared Magento 2 Certified Professional Developer Exam Study Guide
Bad news for front-end developers, to pass Magento 2 Certified Frontend-Developer exam you have to wait till May. So you have some time to improve your skills to achieve this appealing badge.
So pure over the guide, purchase exam voucher ($260), find a testing center, register for the exam and brace yourself for the challenge;)
PS: You can retake this exam 4 times max.